
Top 5 Questions from Journalists and Jerome Powell’s Responses from the June 2024 FOMC Press Conference

Written by Joe Peres

Joe Peres is a Producing Sales Manager for Meadowbrook Financial Mortgage Bankers. He is leader of The Peres Team at Meadowbrook Financial Mortgage Bankers in Westbury, NY. Joe has nealry 2 decades of experience of helping first time home buyers achieve their dreams of home ownership and home owners refinance and achieve their short and long term financial goals. NMLS ID 3988

June 12, 2024

Summary and Implications for Federal Funds Rate and Mortgage Rates

The press conference highlights a cautious but optimistic outlook from Chair Jerome Powell regarding the U.S. economy’s progress towards achieving stable prices and maximum employment. Despite some uncertainties, particularly with housing inflation and the timing of its impact on broader inflation measures, the Federal Reserve’s commitment to its 2% inflation target remains unwavering.

Impact on Federal Funds Rate

The Federal Reserve appears to be in a holding pattern, likely maintaining the current target range for the federal funds rate until more definitive data suggests that inflation is sustainably moving towards the target. The discussions suggest that the rate is likely at its peak for this cycle, with potential adjustments depending on economic data.

Impact on Mortgage Rates

High mortgage rates have been noted to dampen activity in the housing sector. The outlook suggests a careful approach to policy adjustments, which could mean that while mortgage rates might remain high in the short term, a stabilization or decrease could be on the horizon as inflation pressures ease and the Federal Reserve gains confidence in the sustainability of its progress.

Top 5 Questions and Answer Analysis

Steve Liesman, CNBC:

Inflation Forecast and Rate Cuts

Question: Steve Liesman from CNBC inquired about the Fed’s inflation forecast, which anticipates core PCE inflation to be 2.8% by year-end. He questioned whether the Fed expects no further progress in inflation and the implications for future rate cuts.

Answer: Powell explained that the inflation forecast incorporates conservative assumptions, accounting for the low readings from the previous year and modest increases in core PCE. He emphasized that while the Fed welcomes recent favorable inflation readings, they require consistent positive data to confidently consider rate cuts.

Impact on Mortgage Market: The cautious approach to inflation implies that the Fed is unlikely to cut rates in the near term, maintaining higher borrowing costs. This stability in rates could mean continued high mortgage interest rates, making it challenging for prospective homebuyers to afford loans. However, if inflation trends favorably, there may be some relief later in the year.

Jonnelle Marte, Bloomberg:

Labor Market Cooling and Its Implications

Question: Jonnelle Marte from Bloomberg asked about the labor market’s return to pre-pandemic levels and whether more cooling is necessary to achieve the 2% inflation goal.

Answer: Powell acknowledged that the labor market has moved toward better balance, with increased labor force participation and moderated wage growth. He indicated that while the labor market is no longer overheated, the Fed will monitor it closely to ensure it does not negatively impact inflation goals.

Impact on Housing Market: A balanced labor market is crucial for economic stability. If the labor market continues to cool gradually without significant layoffs, it could sustain consumer confidence and spending power. However, any unexpected weakening could impact housing demand, slowing down market activity.

Nick Timiraos, Wall Street Journal:

Rate Cut Expectations for 2024

Question: Nick Timiraos from the Wall Street Journal inquired about the Fed’s rate cut projections, noting a significant shift in expectations since March.

Answer: Powell attributed the shift to higher inflation forecasts and the need for more time to gain confidence in inflation’s downward trend. He emphasized that any rate cuts would be data-dependent, considering the totality of economic indicators.

Impact on Mortgage Interest Rates: The expectation of delayed rate cuts suggests that mortgage interest rates will remain elevated for a longer period. This can deter potential homebuyers from entering the market and may lead to a cooling effect on housing prices due to decreased demand.

Michael McKee, Bloomberg Radio and Television:

Housing Market Concerns

Question: Michael McKee from Bloomberg Radio and Television asked about the potential impact of prolonged high interest rates on the housing market and financial stability.

Answer: Powell acknowledged the significant effect of high rates on housing, particularly in terms of affordability and market activity. He reiterated that the best way to support the housing market is to achieve sustained low inflation, allowing for eventual rate reductions.

Impact on Homebuyers: Prolonged high interest rates mean higher mortgage payments, which can make homeownership less accessible. Homebuyers may need to adjust their budgets or delay purchases, leading to a potential slowdown in housing market activity.

Rachel Siegle, The Washington Post:

Consumer Confidence and Economic Outlook

Question: Rachel Siegel from The Washington Post asked about the Fed’s message to Americans who are encouraged by economic data but remain concerned about the economy’s overall health.

Answer: Powell highlighted the solid pace of economic growth and a strong labor market with low unemployment. He stressed the importance of bringing inflation down to ensure long-term economic stability and improved consumer confidence.

Impact on Housing Market: Continued economic growth and strong labor market conditions are positive signs for the housing market. They suggest that while high mortgage rates are a challenge, the underlying economic fundamentals remain supportive of housing demand in the long term

The June 2024 FOMC meeting underscores the Fed’s cautious stance on inflation and interest rates. While the current economic indicators show progress, the path to rate cuts remains uncertain, heavily dependent on forthcoming data. For the mortgage market, this means sustained higher interest rates, which could affect affordability and homebuying decisions. However, strong economic growth and a balanced labor market provide a solid foundation for future stability and potential rate reductions once inflation is firmly under control.

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